The Greater 第三个病房 encompasses the area south of UH to Old Spanish Trail, 向北到海湾高速公路, 西到范宁,东到H.B. & T铁路. Taking Scott Street most easily accesses the District. 穿过第三区中心, Scott links major thoroughfares and freeways such as Gulf Freeway, 埃尔金, 老西班牙小道和南环东. A roughly six-mile segment of the roadway runs through neighborhoods comprising 德克萨斯南方大学, University of Houston and a predominantly single-family residential area.

德克萨斯南方大学 is a beacon in the community and provides leadership and support to major community efforts to maintain and improve this historically rich District.

乍一看, the 第三个病房 appears to be just another inner-city neighborhood in the midst of tremendous revitalization efforts, 然而, 该地区以自己的绿洲而自豪, the largest and oldest community garden in Houston.

阿拉巴马花园, 阿拉巴马州2818号有56个床位的菜园, was started by Verious Smith in 1985 after he decided he wanted to grow his own food. 当他看到那片肥沃的土地, 他扩大了花园。, and his brother Voydell Smith and friend Christopher Warren cleared additional land so they could plant, 太.

Most of the gardeners give away their produce, taking it to shut-ins or those in the area who are sick. The gardeners also host school supply drives, Easter egg hunts and holiday food drives for 第三个病房 residents.

Alabama Garden is affiliated with the Houston chapter of Urban Harvest, the national organization that encourages community gardening as a means of feeding the poor. 德克萨斯南方大学 owns the land on which the garden is located.

德克萨斯南方大学 is also a partner in the landmark 第三个病房 to Main Street Connectivity Project.

The 第三个病房 to Main Street Connectivity Project is a collaborative, transportation initiative to link Houston's 第三个病房 community with the Main Street Corridor and light rail system. The 第三个病房 is predominantly an African-American community, immediately adjacent to the Main Street Corridor. Included in the 第三个病房 are the 德克萨斯南方大学 and the University of Houston. Both institutions are largely commuter campuses and together serve a student population of over 39,000. 建立和利用计划, 交通, redevelopment and other revitalization activities of the 第三个病房 Redevelopment Council, OST / Almeda TIRZ, 主街联盟, 地铁, 德州交通部和休斯敦市, the project will focus on improving and expanding 交通 access between the Corridor and 第三个病房 neighborhoods and institutions, 创造重要的东西, 交通及行人连接.


This initiative will have a major influence on the future vitality of the 第三个病房; it will significantly improve the physical appearance of the neighborhood and boost its economic stability through the construction of 交通-related physical improvements along various 交通 corridors. This will result in the attraction of additional reinvestment to the neighborhood. Reaching into the 第三个病房 community to enhance and improve 交通, pedestrian and alternative transportation linkages between the Main Street corridor, the light rail system and the neighborhood will be the key to unlocking job opportunities within the Main street Corridor, 以及, opening up the neighborhood to the rest of the city and to the institutions of higher learning.